
Graduate Student Reimbursement
Graduate students are eligible for reimbursement for pre-approved GSS Travel Grant, and other expenses such as graduate student club expenses. Please read the following carefully and thoroughly.
DOCUSIGN: The Link for the Graduate Student Life Office Docusign can be found by clicking here.
The Docusign needs to be completed for each "funding source" (Index number). A revenue stream refers to the specific account index number that the money is coming from (e.g. A club's index number, the GSS Travel Grant index number, etc.). You only need to complete one DocuSign for each funding source.
For example: You completed a DocuSign for GSS Travel Grant in the past, no need to complete another DocuSign for GSS Travel Grant.
Another example: You completed a DocuSign for the GSS Travel Grant. You are now the club president or treasurer and want to submit club expenses. You will need to complete a DocuSign to submit club expenses. If in the future you need to submit club expenses; no need to complete another DocuSign for this club.
You are NOT creating a Wells Fargo bank account! This is an electronic reimbursement account that makes it possible for your reimbursement to be directly deposited into your own bank account.
If you have not created an electronic reimbursement account with Wells Fargo previously: after completing the DocuSign, you will receive two emails from Wells Fargo with the information needed to set up your account. You will need to enter your banking information in order to set up the account. The day after setting up the account you will be able to log into the system to submit your reimbursement.
If you have a Wells Fargo Reimbursement account established, you will use the same login credentials but will use Kathy Orrok's lehigh ID (KMF307ST). If you need the index number (funding source), please email Kathy Orrok (KMF307).
Wells Fargo log in here (if already have a Wells Fargo platform)
After you have your Wells Fargo reimbursement platform set up, you can then enter your expense transactions and upload your receipts.
- Please follow these directions for Entering Transactions for Reimbursement.
- Please follow these detailed directions for submitting Travel Grant reimbursements.
- Follow these directions for how to identify which account to use when being reimbursed
Please be certain that your description is detailed. Be sure it includes the purpose of the trip (i.e. Conference Name, Date/s, City, State). If you are submitting for a club expense, include the club name, name of event, date of event etc. Please use this link for examples.
For more information on using the reimbursement system, see the Student, Adjunct, and Visiting Employee page. Note - you will not need to complete the "Required Request Form and User Agreement" on the purching website. The DocuSign linked above serves as this form. You may need to complete this form if you are looking to be reimbursed by a different department.
Questions regarding the Wells Fargo platform, please reach out to Brenda Bachman (BKB204). For questions regarding DocuSign or Travel Grant & club expense questions please reach out to Kathy Orrok (KMF307)