GLO challenges you to share your unique graduate school experience, motivations, and passions using just six words and a visual aid!
Make it New Make it Together Make a Difference
Lehigh's Strategic Plan: Inspiring Future Makers
- Overall winner $500
- 1st place per category: $100
- Honorable Mentions (2 per category): $50
- You must include a statement or description of your submission that is six words total (no more, no less).
- The image or visual aid that you submit must be an original that you created
- Each individual will be allowed to submit one entry (one original image, no collages) for any of the three categories. You must choose only one category!
- Make it New
- Make it Together
- Make a Difference
- Contractions and hyphenated words count as two words
- Submissions should be original, succinct, and creative.
- All submissions will be entered into a competition for cash prizes!
Visual aid submissions must be at least 4.0 MB, but 5.0 MB or larger image files are strongly encouraged. Submissions must be 8 inches x 10 inches at 300 dpi, or larger. Submissions must be in JPG and PDF formats. Original art work should be 12 x 18 inches in size or smaller. If a submission does not meet these specifications, it will be automatically disqualified.